

Kindergarten artists focus on the fundamentals of the Elements of Art, like line, shape, and color while exploring new materials.

First and second grade artists focus on the fundamentals of the Elements of Art, like line, shape, and color while exploring new materials and enhancing fine motor skills.

Third and fourth grade artists focus on the fundamentals of the Elements of Art, like line, shape, and color while exploring new materials enhancing fine motor skills. The Principals of Design like balance, pattern, and value are introduced. Artists are learning how to observe and describe art in their surroundings.

Fifth and sixth grade artists expand their understanding and use of elements and principles for personal expression. Artists begin to communicate their personal choices in their artmaking in written form.

Seventh and eighth grade students will use knowledge of Elements of Art and Principles of Design to discuss, understand, plan, and create individual artworks.

MEET THE TEACHER: Mrs. Tina Baldwin

Contact: [email protected]